Listen quietly for your answers. Pay attention to the subtle, little signs and synchronicities of life. Those are your answers and validations. It's never a huge, grand display. It's soft and gentle, but always present. Watch and listen for signs hidden in conversations that you over hear, scents that take you back to childhood, replicating numbers and lyrics of songs that get stuck in your head. It's the ah-ha moments that you have while driving, folding the laundry or taking a shower. Listen quietly for the answers they are showing you. #myjourneymystory #EnlightenmentJourney #empoweredliving #blessedandgrateful #meditatetoelevate #reikipractitioner #vibehigher #hydrateandground #blessinsareyours #listenforanswers #meditatedaily #signsareeverywhere
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