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Healing with nature


As the weather is getting nicer and it's a little easier to be outside, take advantage of all the healing that Gaia has to offer. Give yourself the gift of a few moments outside in nature. Listen to the movement in the winds. The noises of the wild life, from the chirping of the birds, to the chatter of the squirrels. Sit with your back against a tree and give all your worries away to Mother Earth. Feel yourself relaxing into the warming Earth. Take deep cleansing breaths. Watch the clouds roll by. For today, ground, hydrate and enjoy the simple things in life. #myjourneymystory #EnlightenmentJourney #empoweredliving #meditatedaily #hydrateandground #listenforanswers #blessedandgrateful #blessinsareyours #reikimaster #healingwithnature #gaiahearsandheals


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